Pocopson Families

Article #206 - Curse


Curse. To Wish evil, To Execrate, [?Hnol]

To afflict hope – to imprecate Evil

Curse – Malediction wish of evil to another – Driden [sic]

Torment Vexation Addison – Johnsons Dictionary


Admit[t]ing S Painter said that J Peirce had been a curse to Society, he cannot be understood to have meant more than that he had been an affliction   a torment, or a vexation


Article #202 - Comments on Lyceum


Pocopson 9 mo 4th 185--


Friend Editor

            As there were some fears expressed at our last meeting that there would not be a sufficient number of essays forwarded to justify the editor in entering upon the duties pertaining to the preparation of the Journal, these few lines are sent on for insertion, in case they meet approval; and on further consideration, that they shall not swell the Journal beyond a very moderate size. Otherwise, I decidedly prefer that they be not introduced.

Article #190 - Education


 How might mankind enlarge their capacity for thought and action, become enterprising, and energetic, and permit circumstances no longer to control their happiness and destiny, if they would only come under proper influences such as would follow a believe [sic]in the silburn philosophy that teaches every day of life to be a combat, a combat of joy, and every night a

Article - 188 - Lyceum


Would not the object of this association be more effectually promoted by confining the subject of its Lectures, Essays and Discussions strictly to Science?


            This question an answer to which was given at a previous meeting being one of general interest perhaps an expression of the difference of opinion entertained in relation to it might be useful, I shall therefore note such thoughts as have been suggested by the question and answer.


Article #184 - Natural History



            How is knowledge of natural history useful?


...There is perhaps no situation in which the lover of nature and the observer of animals life may

Article #177 - Benefits of Lyceum


  Upon what does the prosperity of this association depend, having for its object the material improvement of its members and the general diffusion of knowledge.


[It will need the “effort of each member,” which is lacking. Motives are formed from “a just appreciation of the benefits to be derived from a certain course of action. Examples are given: temperance, capital punishment, coast-to-coast railroad, pursuit of scientific knowledge.]

Article #172 - Slavery


     Editorial gleanings

--On June 2nd 1854 the Government cutter Morris was ordered by Franklin Pierce President to

            carry Anthony Burns from Boston, Mass. to Virginia to be enslaved forever.

--A telegraphic dispatch announces that Anthony Burns is to be sold to the far south

            to spend a life of slavery in the rice swamps and cotton fields.

--The Congregationalist says that the slave Burns belongs to the same church with Col.

Article #171 - Temperance


What proof or evidence is there that alcohol even in the smallest quantity is poisonous to the human system


            Poison is any thing that is injurious to health, any thing taken into the human system will either do evil or do good, when a man is in perfect health he needs nothing but for nutrition or to

quench thirst, there is no nutrition in alcohol neither will it quench thirst, therefore it will do no good; consequently do evil or be injurious, therefore it is a poison.
