Article #202 - Comments on Lyceum


Pocopson 9 mo 4th 185--


Friend Editor

            As there were some fears expressed at our last meeting that there would not be a sufficient number of essays forwarded to justify the editor in entering upon the duties pertaining to the preparation of the Journal, these few lines are sent on for insertion, in case they meet approval; and on further consideration, that they shall not swell the Journal beyond a very moderate size. Otherwise, I decidedly prefer that they be not introduced.

            I for one, and doubtless many others, have grown emphatically tired of the delay and mental lassitude consequent to the reading of long pieces of composition at our meetings. Unless such articles be but occasionally introduced, and should command very general interest, they are rather a tax on, than benefit to, those assembled, both in a mental and physical way.

            The primary object of this Association, as enunciated at the time of its origin, is “the mutual improvement of its members;” and it was certainly not contemplated to effect this in any better way, than to call out and develop the latent energies of every mind. At the rise of the Society its members were few; consequently the number of contributors to its intellectual entertainments, was likewise limited; hence the few who wrote, spoke or acted for the Association were justified in length[en]ing out their communications; yea, it was even their duty, in order to vitalize and invigorate the youthful organization.

            But now the case is changed: instead of the few who originally met, to transact the business of the Association we now have a multitude: instead of a room with little other than empty desks and benches, we now have a house crowded to overflowing. It may, therefore, become a question worthy of consideration, to those who originated the Society -- who nourished

and sustained it, in its infancy, with prolix, numerous, and elaborate articles; whether they should not now so curtail the length and diminish the number of their communications, as to afford opportunity for the reserved, and less developed mind, to offer its mite, for its own and the general benefit.

                                    F. D.