
Article #107 - “The Cottage on the Hill”


“The Cottage on the Hill”

                        Rondout Ulster Co.


                                    July 24  52

My dear friends

Article #106 - Retribution Justice follows all


Retribution Justice follows all


[This sheet is badly insect-damaged, but is concerned

with the problems of slavery and prejudice against blacks.]


Article #105 - Why do not all persons feel a constant desire for knowledge and improvement?


Question: Why do not all persons feel a constant desire for knowledge and improvement?


[The writer throws up his hands: “ would be equally reasonable to ask, Why were not all

persons created alike minds, inclinations...Why such a diversity in natures works if not designed for some purpose?” which the writer does not elucidate.]



Article #103 - Temperance


Friend Editress

            How the punch lovers have chuckled since the late election in ChesterCo over their victory.ha-ha-ha say they the ChesterCo people allow us to kill some more men & women yet. They would not allow us to kill a sheep no they make a law against that -- Ha --they need not

Article #102 - Croton aqueduct.


Please to give a description of Croton aqueduct.


[One page answering this question.]

Article #101 - Is mesmerism and clairvoience [sic] a scientific reality?

[F. Darlington answers this question rather equivocally: not sure, but some who have investigated it think so.]

Article #99 - How can water be made to boil by cold and cease to boil by heat?


How can water be made to boil by cold and cease to boil by heat?


[Short article by A. E. B., dated 10th mo 1841, answering this question.]

