Article #59 - Patting Myself on the Back


            Having learned the day on which this Lyceum holds its meetings a few of the Locust Grove members wanting a jaunt agread [sic] to attend its last meeting. Accordingly with high expectation of encountering muddy roads and bad ones we equip[p]ed ourelves for the attempt. Nor did our expectations in any degree surpass the reality. The roads were bad enough. But we ploughed our way onward and after meeting with only one or two trifling casualties that resulted in nothing more serious than the tearing a coat and breaking a trace we arrived at our destined end. And let me say an hour before the time for the Lyceum to convene – Wonderful to relate! Yes wonderful for we Lyceum members are apt to make it point to come to our own Lyceum about one hour too late rather than too early. However we spent the time we had to spare in looking through the establishment of  ?? Lea Peirce’s Lea and Let me whisper that it well repay a passing visit of for nothing else than to see what may be done. As for the Lyceum itself we could say upon the whole that it passed off very happily. Its members apologized much for the lack of intereest and want of interesting matter affirming that it fell far below their ordinary meetings in this respect. But you know that apology, if useless anad not calculated to make any thing a whit better are very common – the doting mother can always say when a neighbor steps in to have a domestic chat indeed I do not know what makes Billy so cross to day. He cant be well He is so good in common. With all apologies the Lyceum was a very good one. Without instituting any comparison between it and our own allows me to mention wherein I conceive they superscede [sic] us 1st in the greater familiarity with which all participate in the incidental discussions that arise relative business and other matters 2nd the greater freedom there appear to be in subjecting the answers to questions and also essays to criticism. 3rd there does not appear to be so much difficulty among them in having every article read so loud as to be heard by the whole house 5th The plan they pursue of appointing a committee of one or more to bring forward essays is certainly a good one and one I would reccomend [sic] to your consideration for adoption as we have fallen short for some time past [sic] in questions, and lastly their voting is better; especially have the women assumed their rights daring to make known their wishes by a hearty yea or nay. But notwithstanding our own Lyceum may have some faults yet I would [not] say a disparaging word of it undeservingly and woe to him that does. I cherish its mission as a high and holy one. The social arrangement of society needs a great reform and Lyceums will be one inst[r]ument for effecting this.